Photo shared on GoFundMe page by Michael Rizzuto with his father Stephen Termini and brother Jesse Rizzuto.

Assaulted American tourist has Mayo roots and had planned to visit county

AN American tourist who suffered a horrific assault in Dublin had planned to visit Mayo, where he has family roots.

Stephen Termini suffered life-changing injuries in the unprovoked attack in the capital city last week.

A juvenile has appeared in court in relation to the incident and the garda investigation is ongoing.

Stephen's family have set up a GoFundMe Page where there has been an outpouring of support.

His sister, Michelle, on the page, explained how Stephen had been working at a galvanising plant, saving every penny to afford the trip.

She said: “He had always dreamed of visiting Ireland. He was trying to trace our family that emigrated to the US from Dublin.

“What we were told as children was that our grandfather, Charles Wilson, had been a painter, painting cathedrals in Dublin. His mother, Ann Donnelly, was from County Mayo.”

Their mother's last request was to be buried in Ireland (2004). Stephen was unable to attend the ceremony at the time, but longed to visit her final resting place.

Continued Michelle: “I didn't worry about my little brother visiting Ireland, as he's been a long time traveller.”

The GoFundMe page has been set up by Stephen's son Michael.