The HQ of Mayo County Council in Castlebar where the planning office is based.

Mayo has sadly become a county of planning objections

by Auld Stock

Objections are being made in Mayo to industrial and housing projects.

This must be very frustrating for those behind those projects who go to much research and expense before submitting their planning applications.

We keep repeating that people have every right to object to developments that might interfere with their lifestyles, particularly in relation to increase traffic, green areas and sporting and social amenities.

Speaking from experience, I can safely say that all aspects of planning applications submitted to Mayo County Council are studied to the smallest detail before planning permission is finally given to house builders and large-scale developments.

One of the grouses I have is that local councillors have practically no input into planning applications.

This is totally against local democracy and should be immediately scrapped.

Those who oppose planning applications for silly reasons should think twice before protesting against legitimate planning applications.

Time perhaps to examine our consciences when it comes to planning applications.

Think about it.