Tom Gilligan, director of housing services at Mayo County Council.

Funding boost for Mayo housing adaptation grants after request

Additional funding has been allocated to Mayo County Council for its Housing Adaptation Grants for Older People and People with a Disability Scheme.

The total allocation has now been increased to €3,703,854 following representations made to the Department of Local Government by the council.

Tom Gilligan, director of service, has expressed his delight that the department acceded to their request.

The new revised combined amount includes the council's co-funding requirement of 20%.

The total amount of the increase comes to €740,771.

"We will be keeping the matter of private housing adaptation grants under continuous review over the next few months," explained Mr. Gilligan.

A workshop of the members of the council's housing strategic policy committee takes place next week to discuss the matter further.

Councillor Michael Kilcoyne has welcomed the news of the extra funding.

"It is something for which we have been campaigning," he added.