Sinn Féin publish Bill to ban seeking sex for rent

Michael Bolton

A law banning sex for rent is set to be introduced in the Dáil in September.

It comes in the wake of media coverage of landlords seeking sex in exchange for accommodation.

Sinn Féin has drafted legislation to make it an offence for landlords to advertise or solicit sex for rent from tenants.

Its housing spokesperson, Eoin Ó Broin, says seeking sex for rent was a "disgusting predatory form of behaviour".

He added landlords could potentially face fines under their proposed legislation.

"Given the fact there is on explicit prohibition on landlords either seeking sex for rent or advertising such arrangements, then I think it needs to become a criminal offence.

"It's about making the law crystal clear. This is not acceptable, it should be an offence under the Residential Tenancy's Act, and the first step of stamping it out, is to make those legislative changes and give renters, particularly women renters, the protection they rightly deserve.