Harry Barrett

Barrett calls on Fianna Fáil to resolve firefighters' pay claim

“CASTLEBAR'S retained firefighters need to be treated with respect and now demand a wage that reflects their training, the disruption to their families and the dangers they face on a weekly basis. I will support them all the way,” says Independent election candidate, Harry Barrett.

Mr. Barrett set out: “This wage claim is a political situation and I am now calling on Fianna Fáil councillors in this town and county to place a motion before Mayo County Council calling for their pay claim to be immediately resolved.

“This motion, when passed by the council, must be copied to Minister Darragh O'Brien's office as the Fianna Fáil minister in charge of this issue. This motion will show that the people of Mayo are behind their pay claim and want it resolved.”

He continued: “A Fianna Fáil minister is in charge of local government and can make this decision with the stroke of a pen. Fianna Fáil councillors cannot act as if they are in opposition all the time. They cannot pretend to be independent either. They have the levers of power and can pull this one to pay the workers.

“This government awarded their own TDS with a generous €2,000 increase last February on top of increased expense allowances. This shielded them from the effects of inflation. TDS will not now have to worry about back to school expenses, ESB bills or how to fill the oil tank come the autumn.

“Yet, they want retained firefighters to accept poverty wages. They will not, and now want an hourly rate to reflect the dangerous work that they do and the massive effects of inflation on their families.

“I will lend my support and will write the motion to be put before Mayo County Council if required.

“Pay them, minister.”