Addergoole community urged to exercise patience as Mayo TD navigates GP replacement

Caoimhín Rowland

Lahardane and Bofeenaun residents are encouraged to remain patient during the transitional phase of securing a new General Practitioner (GP), according to Mayo TD Alan Dillon. Responding to concerns raised by the community, Dillon has taken proactive steps to address the situation and ensure a qualified replacement for the departed GP.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) has initiated the process by officially advertising the vacant GP position in Lahardane, applications have been received from interested doctors. Subsequently, interviews for potential GPs are scheduled for August 16.

While the departure of Dr. Enda Loftus led to the temporary freeze of the GMS (General Medical Services) panel in Lahardane from July 12, the HSE is meticulously managing the transition of medical card patients to the incoming GP, once the selection process concludes.

During this period of change, Deputy Dillon expressed his gratitude for Dr. Loftus's service and acknowledged the community's anticipation for a timely replacement GP. He underscored the necessity for residents to remain patient, given the importance of conducting a thorough selection process to identify the most qualified candidate.

"I understand the concerns of the residents following the departure of GP Dr. Enda Loftus," stated Deputy Dillon, "and I have personally engaged with the HSE to ensure that a well-suited and qualified replacement GP is secured without unnecessary delay."