Ireland ranks in bottom five of well-rested EU countries - study

James Cox

A new study has found Ireland is one of the least well-rested countries in the European Union.

Ireland is 24th out of 28 European countries on the list, Greece ranked as the least well-rested European country, followed by Italy and the Netherlands.

Slovakia is the most well-rested country in Europe, with Finland and Bulgaria close behind in second and third place according to bedroom furniture retailer Bed Kingdom.

The factors considered were the minimum number of days paid annual leave and public holiday, maximum hours allowed to work weekly, legal minimum duration of rest breaks, annual working hours per person, hours of daily and weekly rest, and the percentage of the population sleeping for seven hours or more each night.

Slovakia was revealed to be the most well-rested country in Europe, scoring an impressive 86.04 out of 100. In addition to the 28 days of paid annual leave, Slovak workers are entitled to an additional 15 days of paid public holiday. Alongside Lithuania, is the highest number of public holidays out of any European country in the study.

Slovakia is also one of only three European countries that are entitled to 12 hours of daily rest between workdays, rather than the 11 hours typically observed across Europe. Additionally, a respectable 74.97 per cent of the population were found to obtain seven hours or more of sleep each night on average.