Multi-million-euro hydrogen project earmarked for former Mayo Asahi plant site

PLANS for a hydrogen plant and energy centre at the old Asahi plant in Killala are before Mayo County Council for consideration.

The company behind the multi-million euro project is Constant Energy.

The development would see the demolition and removal of the existing Asahi plant buildings.

Located within the Killala business park, the hydrogen plant would be based to the south of the site, with the energy centre to the north.

A 10-year planning permission and 25-year operational life from the date of commissioning of the entire proposed hydrogen plant and energy centre is being sought, which reflects the lifespan of modern-day gas generation centres.

The developer has initiated the connection process to the national grid with EirGrid, likely to connect to the existing Tawnaghmore 110kV substation.

That will be the subject of a separate planning application to Mayo County Council or to An Bord Pleanála.

A gas grid connection is also proposed and will also be the subject of a separate planning application.

Reports submitted to planners set out how the proposed plant will produce hydrogen using on site borehole water, by the process of electrolysis.

The hydrogen produced has a number of options for its use. It will be temporarily stored onsite and transported offsite using tube trailer trucks.

Gas Networks Ireland intend to blend natural gas and hydrogen, and hydrogen from this plant will be injected into the transmission gas network. The gas will also be used for power generation onsite via the proposed neighbouring energy centre's nine gas engines.

The energy centre will generate power by utilising its multiple gas engines, with a total installed capacity of 106MW electrical output.

Full details of the proposal can be viewed on Mayo County Council's online planning portal.