Body recovered from River Shannon near Limerick City

David Raleigh

Gardaí are investigating after the body of a male was discovered in the River Shannon near Limerick City on Wednesday afternoon.

The body was recovered by members of the Limerick Marine Search and Rescue Service (LMSRS) at a river bank located at 'Meelick Light', which is a guiding light for ships sailing in and out of Limerick Port.

Members of the voluntary LMSRS were conducting a routine sweep of the river using two jet skis and a boat when they came upon the body around 12.30pm.

LMSRS personnel transported the body by boat to the service’s slipway, situated off the Dock Road in Limerick City, where it was met by gardaíand transported by road to the morgue at University Hospital Limerick (UHL).

A Garda spokesperson said Gardaí were “alerted to the discovery of a body in the water in Meelick, Co Clare, at 12.30pm today”.

The spokesperson confirmed the Limerick Coroner had been notified.

“Investigations are ongoing,” they added.