Call for halt to be applied to use of weedkillers in Mayo town

A call has been issued in the draft Castlebar biodiversity plan for a halt to be applied to the use of weedkillers.

The dossier, prepared by Woodrow Sustainable Solutions Limited, observed that many areas within the town have had weedkiller applied "even in areas where there seems to be no reason for it."

The study continued: "Most of these areas do not need any treatment with weedkiller at all, once it is accepted that not everything needs to be ‘tidy’.

"Indeed, most people would probably agree that a brown, bare area of dead vegetation is unsightly in itself.

"Other alternatives are available. Areas can be trimmed manually or with a strimmer, or hot foam weed treatment can be used.

"Mayo County Council, when maintaining public areas, should use alternatives to weedkillers, and should inform the community that there is no need for weedkillers.

"For example, county council maintenance vehicles could have a sign stating that only chemical-free methods of weed control are being used in public areas, and signs could also be erected in parks to convey this message.

"This should help the public to realise that they too can look after their own gardens without using chemicals."