A section of the existing greenway between Mulranny and Achill. Photo: Gardiner Mitchell/Tourism Ireland

Ground earmarked for Mayo greenway removed from land tax maps

A SECTION of land in Achill has been removed from a Residential Zoned Land Tax designation due to it being earmarked for future greenway development.

The lands are at Sraheens in Achill Sound and the designation was the subject of an appeal to An Bord Pleanála by Patrick J. Sweeney & Son Ltd. and Rory Sweeney.

The site is a greenfield area, adjacent to a car park.

The appellant made a submission to Mayo County Council seeking to have the land removed from the draft RZLT map.

The submission stated that the land has a lot of trees on it and is due to be planted with further deciduous trees early in the new year. It is the only area in the village or from Mulranny to Keel supporting this type of tree.

The landowner has also offered an area from the land to allow the greenway to progress through the village and is currently in discussions with the council on this.

When planning permission was received for the adjacent car park, the planning office recommended the trees be planted to enhance the area.

On considering the file, an appeals board inspector found that the site falls within the scope of the land use zonings applicable to the RZLT. However, they recommended the parts that overlap the Achill Sound to Keel greenway project be removed.

The board agreed with this, removing the sections identified for the greenway project. However, the remainder of the site, zoned for mixed use in the county development plan, which includes housing, remains in scope.