High Street, Westport.

File being prepared for DPP in Mayo assault probe

A man in his 20s who was being held for questioning in connection with an assault on a man in Westport in the early hours of yesterday morning has been released by gardai.

A file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Meanwhile, the family of the man who sustained critical injuries in the incident at High Street are maintaining a vigil at his bedside in the intensive care unit of Mayo University Hospital, Castlebar.

The victim, who is a businessman in his 60s, is a native of Co. Leitrim and has been living in west Mayo for some time.

Gardai are continuing their investigation into the incident and are taking statements from witnesses.

Gardaí are appealing to anyone who may have witnessed this incident to contact them.

Any pedestrians or road users who were in the vicinity of High Street between 1 and 2 a.m. yesterday morning and who may have camera footage is asked to make this available to investigating gardaí.