Drawing from the design report published by Mayo County Council.

An Bord Pleanála allows project at former east Mayo convent to proceed

AN Bord Pleanála has given the green light to the restoration and adaptation of the former convent school in Ballyhaunis to a community hub, Deputy Michael Ring has confirmed.

He stated: “I am absolutely delighted to confirm that An Bord Pleanála have approved this project for Ballyhaunis. The proposal includes internal modifications to the building layout, a two-storey extension at the building entrance housing a lobby and lift, and outdoor recreational facilities including play areas and an open-air amphitheatre, along with all other associated site development services.

“During my tenure as Minister for Rural and Community Development, I allocated €168,352 for this project. I met with a number of groups in favour of this project with Councillor John Cribbin.”

Deputy Ring continued: “This is a very worthwhile project and one that has the potential to transform Ballyhaunis.

“Preparations can now be put in place to make an application for the Rural Regeneration Scheme when it opens and this group will have my full support.”