Mayo welcome for NCT reversal of controversial 'cashless' decision

A Mayo TD has welcomed the news that NCT operators have reversed their decision to introduce a cashless service.

Deputy Alan Dillon TD said he had received confirmation from the Minister for Transport that he had been advised by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) that alternative payment options for NCT appointments will be made available to ensure all motorists, including those without access to electronic or card payment systems, can continue to pay for the service.

Deputy Dillon said having submitted a parliamentary question to Minister Eamon Ryan.

He elaborated: “I have been advised that the RSA is currently in discussion with the NCT operator about payment systems.

"Any change to payment methods must be agreed with the RSA.

"The department will require that the NCT service will be able to be paid for using cash, within the terms of the contract in place.

"Payments will not be restricted to credit card or electronic payments.

"The department will require that a cash pre-payment option may be used to pay for the NCT service if it moves to a pre-payment system.”

Deputy Dillon also questioned if the National Driver Licence Service (NDLS) centres also plan on phasing out cash payments.

“I have been informed the NDLS is separate to the NCTS.

"The operation of the NDLS is also the statutory responsibility of the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and has been delegated as such under national legislation.

"The NDLS facilitates cash payments through Payzone where vouchers can be purchased with cash from over 3,500 outlets in towns and villages nationwide, including post offices.”

Deputy Dillon said he believed it was important for the elderly and those without access to bank cards to be able to pay for these vital services in cash.