Two Mayo group water schemes secure national excellence awards

Glencorrib Group Water Scheme and Belcarra Group Water Scheme have been feted with 2023 Group Water Scheme Excellence Awards.

Organised by the National Federation of Group Water Schemes (NFGWS), the annual awards recognise the hard work and initiative being shown by group water schemes (GWSs) across the country.

Entries had been invited across four categories and presided over by an independent, expert judging panel.

Group water schemes that achieved a required standard within their respective category were awarded an excellence flag and commemorative plaque, with an overall winner in each category receiving a special trophy.

Glencorrib GWS was revealed as the overall category winner for ‘Water Safety Planning and Quality Assurance’ by Minister for State in the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH), Kieran O’Donnell TD in a special live announcement at this year’s Rural Water Services Conference.

The conference was hosted in the Hodson Bay Hotel, Co. Roscommon.

In recent times, the south Mayo group water scheme has focused on quality assurance and source protection mitigation measures to ensure that it is delivering a reliable and safe drinking water supply to its members.

Meanwhile, Belcarra GWS received an excellence flag award for ‘Biodiversity Enhancement’.

Reacting to the news, Glencorrib GWS manager, Fionnuala Foy, said: "Like many GWSs in Mayo, Glencorrib GWS came about in the 1970s, borne out of the need of the local community for water.

"Numerous people from that community have given years of tireless voluntary effort and commitment to keep the supply flowing.

"They have always known that the quality of that supply is synonymous with the health of their community and thus have always prioritised having a fully functioning and well maintained water treatment system in place.

"Glencorrib GWS thank its appointed contractor, Glanua, for its hard work and commitment in abstracting and treating the drinking water supply.

"Thanks to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, funding is secured annually to support the financial needs of the scheme.

"Much gratitude is also due to the staff in the rural water section of Mayo County Council, who give their advice and support generously.

"Glencorrib GWS also thank the National Federation of Group Water Schemes for its commitment to advocating on the behalf of all group water schemes around the country.’

Glencorrib GWS chairperson, Cathal Garvey, thanked the committee and the GWS manager, Fionnuala Foy, for all her hard work in helping to achieve the award.

Reacting to the news, Belcarra GWS representative Mary Prendergast said: "To have won and excellence flag for ‘Biodiversity Enhancement’ in the GWS Excellence Awards 2023 will further encourage our members to protect the drinking water of Belcarra GWS, to improve water quality into the future and be more aware of the wealth of biodiversity.

"Our group water scheme has a wealth of biodiversity features and potential for biodiversity enhancement.

"To protect and identify these habitats and species throughout our scheme, Belcarra Group Water Scheme, in conjunction with Belcarra Tidy Towns Committee, developed a Biodiversity Action plan in 2020.

‘This Biodiversity Action plan helped to increase awareness and promote positive biodiversity actions in the wider community such as gardening for bees, planting native hedgerows and looking after the water quality in our GWS," she added.