Pontoon Road, Castlebar.

Fears raised over 'fast and furious' motorists on busy Mayo roadway

The speed situation on the Pontoon Road in Castebar has reached alarming levels.

That's according to local candidate Harry Barrett.

He elaborated: "The fast and furious manner in which some motorists drive this stretch of road into town, is an imminent threat to all road users, including pedestrians and cyclists.

"We don't need any more Vin Diesels driving that stretch of road.

"Speed limit signs seem to be a decoration or a suggestion as many motorists blatantly disregard them now.

"Therefore, I want serious action now to counter the reckless speeds at which some drivers are entering town via the Pontoon Road.

"This ongoing issue has become a matter of grave concern for our community's safety.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that the situation is perilous.

"Our children walk to school along this road, and the fear of an accident if the speed is not controlled, is ever present and growing.

"I now call upon Mayo County Council to take immediate action.

"We also need an increased police presence; the installation of speed bumps or even lowering the speed limit could help alleviate this problem.

"I also urge everyone to drive responsibly and be mindful of the safety of locals."