Mayo could train more young people for work

The provision of more apprenticeships training must be a target for Mayo County Council and other public organisations. This is the opinion of Sinn Féin local election candidate Donna Hyland.

“Many apprentices experience delays in accessing work experience, which they need to advance their apprenticeship. It makes sense that one of the largest employers, the public sector, should offer training to apprentices.’’

Donna Hyland argues: “Public bodies should always have a ravenous focus on providing training opportunities for young people. Too many young people are leaving the county never to return. Young people are the future. Providing opportunities for young people to train and live and work at home must be a priority especially in our current cost-of-living crisis.”

“At a recent Housing SPC meeting I questioned if the local authority will offer apprenticeship places. Although, the council management team said they did not have the full details of the proposed apprenticeship scheme they did expect apprenticeship training to be offered by Mayo County Council at some point in the future.”

Donna Hyland said: “I genuinely welcome this initiative by Mayo County Council and in the context of the Housing SPC I would request that Mayo County Council offer those pursuing a craft an opportunity to complete their apprenticeship at the local authority also. I will work closely with Mayo County Council to administer the apprenticeship scheme and to ensure that a broad variety of apprenticeship training and internship places are offered.”

Ms. Hyland concluded: “I firmly believe that apprenticeships offer a unique opportunity to increase a skilled workforce and contribute to the local economy. Everyone agrees we need a strategy to retain a sustainable and skilled workforce. For some young people apprenticeships are the right option to take after the leaving cert and Mayo could train more young people for work by utilising the skill set within the county’s public bodies.”