Charles Street, Castlebar.

Mayo dismay over need for bus to bring students 400 yards to classroom

The decision of the Department of Education to fund a bus to bring students in Castlebar 400 yards to a temporary classroom has bemused local councillors.

Councillor Ger Deere revealed members of the transition year class at Davitt College were being transported the short distance to the Mayo education and training centre at the junction of Rush Street and Lucan Street on a daily basis due to a shortage of school accommodation.

He explained the bus was parking at an estate in Charles Street, much to the display of residents who were finding it difficult to exit the area in their cars as a result.

Stated Councillor Deere: "This is no reflection on Davitt College. They are following the department's direction on the matter due to a ongoing delay in the provision of extra accommodation at the facility.

"But it does not make sense to run a bus 400 yards from the college to Lucan Street during the busiest traffic time of the day, even though it might be deemed the safest thing to do.

"We need a solution to the congestion it is causing."

Councillor Michael Kilcoyne supported Councillor Deere in his stand.

"The residents of the Charles Street area are up in arms because of the unnecessary traffic issues this is causing.

"It does not make sense," he added.