Anger as major Mayo road is closed twice in past eight weeks

Twice in the past eight weeks, the R312 between Castlebar and Belmullet has been closed to traffic.

It was shut for 24 hours on one occasion due to flooding and the second time was due to an accident on a dangerous corner at a bridge.

Thousands of commuters, including emergency services, were forced to make huge detours as a result.

On the most recent occasion the graveyard in Glenisland was partially flooded.

Last August a Swedish couple travelling the Wild Atlantic Way had a lucky escape when they collided with a elderly couple returning to Erris. Both cars were write-offs.

The Local Roads Committee has been campaigning for ten years seeking improvements to regional and local roads to mitigate flooding and improve safety.

Stated Brendan Lavelle, spokesperson for the group: "The state of the Crumpaun River is a cause of considerable concern at present.

"Over the past few years a number of trees have fallen across the river, nearly blocking it completely in a number of locations.

"With the winter rains ahead of us it seems inevitable that some of these trees will be washed downstream to the bridge where they will significantly reduce the flow of water and cause further flooding.

"A few years ago similar issues occurred on the river Deel in Crossmolina when a tree was washed down the river to the bridge causing a major obstruction in an area known to be subject to serious flooding.

"A number of attempts was required with a large crane to remove the obstacle. They could have saved themselves a lot of effort and a great deal of money if the tree had been dealt with when first reported.

"Years ago landowners would have removed the trees but now they are afraid to disturb otters and pearl mussels.

"We are calling on the Office of Public Works to deal with the fallen trees in the Crumpaun River before they become a serious and acute problem these coming months.

"We are calling on our elected representatives to contact the OPW and express their concerns in relation to the R312 and other regional and local roads that are in need of attention.

"There was more being done with maintenance on rivers 30 and 40 years ago with less modern machinery.

"Rural Ireland is being neglected as usual. The budget for regional and local roads has not increased with inflation. It is simply wrong."