Pictured as MS Ireland launches the famous MS Readathon are RTE’s Rick O’Shea, MS Readathon ambassador Shirley Keane O’Brien and Ava Battles, chief executive of MS Ireland. Photo: Marc O'Sullivan

Thousands of bookworms across Mayo to raise vital funds for MS Ireland

Thousands of people across the Mayo will have their noses buried in books this November as part of the annual MS Readathon fundraiser.

The MS Readathon is Ireland’s biggest sponsored reading initiative, which invites children, adults and teachers to get sponsored to read as many books as they can throughout the month.

All funds raised from the MS Readathon go towards supporting people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and their families. MS is the most common debilitating neurological condition affecting young adults in Ireland. It affects more than 9,000 people in Ireland.

MS Ireland is calling on people – from small kids and older teenagers to community groups, businesses and books clubs – to get involved.

Ava Battles, MS Ireland CEO, commented: “There is still time for bookworms of all ages to set themselves a reading challenge this November and get involved in the MS Readathon. It’s not too late for people to read along with their kids at night-time or set a group challenge as part of a book club. The Readathon is the perfect opportunity to keep little minds entertained.”

Shirley Keane O’Brien is delighted to be the MS Readathon ambassador this year. Her enthusiasm for the MS Readathon is infectious and she’s determined to help support MS Ireland who helped her through the toughest days of her life.

“I’m delighted to be the ambassador and help raise awareness. I remember it from my two kids doing it in primary school. Now I’ll be doing it and loving every minute of it.”

She added: “The MS Readathon is a wonderful initiative because it brings children’s imaginations alive while raising awareness of MS and fundraising for these much-needed services. I devoured books as a child and reading has had a hugely positive impact on my life, even more so since my diagnosis, so I am encouraging everyone to get involved in the MS Readathon this year.

“Through reading there is hope, and through the MS Readathon there comes hope for better services, better resources and an eventual cure for people living with MS. That is why I am so delighted to be taking part in the 'Grown Up Readathon' this year.”

Children, teachers and adults can get involved in this year’s MS Readathon by registering online at https://www.msreadathon.ie/home, where you can also find a host of fundraising ideas, resources and reading suggestions.