Aid hope for Mayo businesses hit hard by tourism bed losses
Businesses in Mayo communities hit hardest by the loss of tourism beds due to the State’s humanitarian efforts may be compensated under a new scheme, it has been revealed.
Deputy Alan Dillon has been campaigning for such support in view of the fact that in the region of 30% of tourist accommodation in the county is currently used for international protection and other humanitarian purposes.
The Castlebar-based TD said the impact of stock displacement within the tourism sector is significant with some sources estimating it in excess of €25 million in west Mayo alone.
A survey conducted by Fáilte Ireland last June established that 13% of the tourism accommodation stock nationally that is registered with Fáilte Ireland is under contract to the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
An additional quantum of tourism-type accommodation that is not registered with Fáilte Ireland is also contracted to the department.
Responding to Deputy Dillon’s submission, Minister Catherine Martin said the analysis showed that in five counties - Mayo, Offaly Leitrim, Meath and Clare - the scale of accommodation stock displacement is significant and is a factor in downstream economic impacts.
She elaborated: “The overall findings are that most attractions, experiences and activity providers experienced a drop in business volume compared to 2019 across all three markets and that nearly 20% of businesses surveyed have been substantially impacted, with a decline of at least 30% in business volumes compared to 2019.
“The evidence collated suggested that bed stock displacement was one of the main factors that has led to the decline in business volumes.”
The minister stated as the businesses impacted are varied and range from small and micro-sized enterprises to family-run businesses, there is no one-fits-all solution to address the issues they are facing.
“For this reason, I have secured funding to implement a broad range of supports.
“As part of the budget settlement that I have secured for tourism in 2024, up to €10 million has been identified for a comprehensive programme of supports targeted at downstream tourism businesses experiencing particular trading challenges linked to the reduction in footfall to activities and attractions in regions most impacted by tourism bed stock displacement.
“This programme of supports includes investment in sustainable tourism development and promotion, industry digitalisation, promotion of domestic tourism and festivals and recruitment and retention initiatives.”