Mario and Mihaela Luca. Photo: Kiltimagh Tourism Festivals

Much-loved Mayo takeaway closes

A much-loved takeway in east Mayo is closing.

Mario and Mihaela Luca, who have operated the very successful Luca's takeaway in Kiltimagh for a number of years, announced their decision, which is for health reasons, this week.

A message from Mario and Mihaela to customers shared via the Kiltimagh Tourism Festivals Facebook page stated: 'Due to health issues we decided to close our business.

'We are really grateful to all customers, suppliers and community organisations for their support over the years and we are really sorry to leave such a great town. We thank you again and send best wishes to all of you.'

Kiltimagh Tourism Festivals extended thanks to Mario, Mihaela and their staff for their contribution to the local community and their support of their festivals since their arrival in Kiltimagh.

Many customers have joined in wishing them well and thanking them for many happy Friday pizza nights and their legendary fish and chips, always a place that served top quality food with friendly service to match.