New GP to be appointed in Lahardane after community campaign

A new GP will take up the vacant position in Lahardane, it has been confirmed

Deputy Alan Dillon welcomed the news.

He said he had worked very closely with the Lahardane community in relation to their concerns surrounding the departure of their local GP from Addergoole Medical Centre.

He said: “I am pleased that following numerous discussions with the HSE and Community Healthcare West, a successful outcome has been achieved.

‘The HSE have now offered a contract which the proposed new doctor, who is willing to accept.

"The new contract is currently being drawn up and it is hoped that the new GP will commence in the Lahardane practice by January 2 next.

"However, he has agreed to start seeing private patients before that date should the building be ready.

‘I will continue to work with the head of Community Healthcare West, John Fitzmaurice, and his team to ensure that the plans to replace the GP in Lahardane are progressed.

"It is essential to rural communities such as Lahardane that adequate healthcare facilities are retained in their area.”