Mayo GP vacancy clarification from community leader Gerry Loftus

The Rural Ireland Organization (RIO) has shed light on the Lahardane Doctor situation after confusion arose due to progress on the appointment of a new doctor.

The meeting which took place last Friday, involved two HSE members, a community representative, RIO leader Gerry Loftus and an interested GP.

The outcome of the meeting was that a contract would be drawn up for the community sourced GP, but it seems this has still not come to fruition.

“The main hurdle in this situation is the absence of a panel or a General Medical Services (GMS) number. The doctor expressed willingness to consider the position if solutions to these issues and a payment proposal could be agreed upon,” stated Loftus.

Currently, there is no formal contract under consideration, with ongoing discussions between the doctor and the HSE to address these challenges expected to be forthcoming.

RIO has decided to refrain from making further comments on the matter.

This situation is still evolving, and updates may follow as negotiations between the doctor and the HSE progress.