Ballina Climate Action Weekend encourages town to end 2023 on green note

THE last of 10,000 trees planted this year will be planted at the Ballina Climate Action Weekend, which takes place on November 24 and 25.

Now in its third year, it is a tactical weekend of meaningful climate action initiatives, aligned to and amplifying the work done at grass roots level in Ballina.

The aim is to showcase the great climate positive work taking place in Ballina and engage a wider audience in these initiatives to build awareness, scale and momentum in the bid to become Ireland’s greenest town.

Key priorities for this year’s programme include highlighting funding opportunities for businesses and communities, and promoting responsible consumption and production via the circular economy.

Events taking place over the weekend include a Sustainable Solutions for Businesses and Community Groups workshop, a swap shop for football boots, Christmas jumpers, furniture, bric-a-brac, records and more, evening entertainment by climate comedienne Diane O’Connor and a Circular Economy Showcase, with €1,000 worth of vouchers up for grabs in Ballina’s circular economy businesses.

Announcing the weekend’s programme, Susan Heffernan of The Mary Robinson Centre said: “The goal of the Climate Action Weekend is really to encourage local Ballina people to make more sustainable decisions, making it easier to do so by highlighting the local businesses and groups who can help. Money spent this way stays in our local community.”

The weekend’s highlight is the culmination of Ballina 2023’s planting of 10,000 trees, with the final tree planted and dedicated to the children of Ballina born in 2023.

Speaking on the initiative, Mags Downey Martin, CEO of Ballina Chamber and committee member of Ballina 2023, said: “This is a wonderful legacy moment for Ballina 2023. We’re proud to support sustainability and the local circular economy businesses, and even prouder to lead out on initiatives that will create a greener Ballina for future generations.”

Ballina Climate Action Weekend is supported by Ballina 2023, CARO Atlantic Seaboard North and AIB.

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