Closure of gate at popular Mayo trek is a welcome move

The closure of a gate to prevent vehicular access to a popular Mayo walk without permission is being hailed locally as a welcome move.

The action has been taken along the route known as 'The Booster Station Walk' at Croagh Moyle, Glenisland, Castlebar, and a notice is in place.

It is understood the decision was taken due to health and safety as well as other considerations.

The location was used on a regular basis for anti-social behaviour, including drinking parties in which small fires were lit.

A car was driven to the top of the peak a number of years before it was dumped and set alight.

The scenic location has also witnessed acts of indiscriminate dumping taking place over the years.

Regular walkers told The Connaught Telegraph the decision to close the gate was long overdue.

"It has made the area much safer for walkers, and particular those with their dogs on leads," one stated.

However, the condition of the road leading into the climb is in particularly bad condition due to potholes following extensive forestry works.

There is also a need for improved parking facility at the Glenisland Road turn-off to the walk.