Mayo TD calls for full-time animal welfare inspector in the county
The appointment of a full-time animal welfare inspector is vital to ensure the proper care of animals in Mayo, according to Deputy Alan Dillon.
The Fine Gael TD, along with local election candidate for east Mayo, Alma Gallagher, met with members of Mayo SPCA recently, while Deputy Dillon said he had also consulted with representatives of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA) with a view to appointing a full-time animal inspector in Mayo.
Fine Gael’s newly elected parliamentary party chairman, Deputy Dillon said having thoroughly reviewed the ISPCA Strategic Framework 2023-2027 and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s commitment to further investing in animal welfare services, he was hopeful that improvements could be made in animal welfare in Mayo.
He said: “County Mayo presents a large geographical territory, resulting in increased demands on our local authority. While we are grateful for the services of our dog warden, I believe that the appointment of a full-time animal welfare inspector is vital to meet the expanding needs of our county effectively.”
Deputy Dillon recently met with Dr. Cyril Sullivan, chief executive office of the ISPCA, who has agreed to a meeting with local stakeholders. This meeting is due to take place in the coming weeks.
The inspector, funded through the ISPCA with government support provided annually, would increase our ability to respond efficiently and comprehensively to cases of animal distress, according to Deputy Dillon.
“I also believe this role should possess legal capabilities to remove animals from unsuitable or unsafe conditions. This is a necessity to ensure the welfare of animals in Mayo.”
Ms. Gallagher commented: “Our recent meeting with members of Mayo SPCA highlighted the need for a full-time animal inspector in Mayo. The group also aired their concerns on the shortfall in grant aid which is hampering their work.”
Deputy Dillon added: “I have now reached out to the ISPCA who I hope will support this initiative and commit to expanding the inspectorate capacity for Mayo. I believe the appointment of a full-time animal welfare inspector in Mayo would be a significant step forward in ensuring the welfare of all animals in our county.”