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Drop in temperature expected tomorrow for Mayo

A cold and wet end to the week is on the horizon, according to the latest forecast.

Take a look below at what the weather has in store for the county.


The day promises to be windy with frequent showers, some of which may be heavy and prolonged, and even the possibility of hail and isolated thunderstorms.

Daytime temperatures will be rather chilly, ranging from 7 to 10 degrees Celsius.

A significant factor will be the strong and gusty south west winds, which could reach gale force along the coast.

During Thursday night, rain is expected to move south across the county, but clearer conditions will follow from the north later in the night.

Overnight temperatures will generally dip to between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius, with slightly milder conditions in the south west and west.

A fresh north west breeze will develop, further adding to the cool atmosphere.