EPA taking action to address Mayo town's foul odour problems

The Environmental Protection Agency has responded to Deputy Michael Ring in relation to ongoing problem of foul odours and gases on the Knock Road in Claremorris.

Their statement outlined: “The EPA has engaged with Uisce Éireann to identify odour sources on the Claremorris network and the corrective actions needed to prevent nuisance odours.

"The EPA carried out a site inspection on November 8 and met with representatives from Uisce Eireann.

"During the inspection Uisce Éireann representatives identified a number of issues on the network that may be contributing to odour problems along with planned mitigation measures. "

These measures include:

•The replacement/sealing of eight manhole covers;

•Replacement of a vent stack on Claremount Manor Road that had been removed in 2009.

•Cleaning out of three pump stations (at/near Lisbaun and Cluain Aoibhinn housing estates and Knock Road pump station).”

The EPA has also opened a compliance investigation in relation to this matter and under this compliance investigation Uisce Éireann is required carry out appropriate mitigation measures without undue delay to resolve the odour issues at Claremorris.

They have has been requested to provide an update on progress of the mitigation measures by November 30.

The EPA will continue to engage with Uisce Éireann to resolve the odour issues.

Deputy Ring continued: “As stated previously, this has been ongoing for a long number of years but I intend to pursue this matter until those foul odours and gases on the Knock Road have been rectified.”