Capital projects at Mayo hospital to be raised in Dáil this morning

THIS morning the Dáil will turn its attention to vital capital projects at Mayo University Hospital (MUH) that will significantly enhance healthcare services in the region. These initiatives, outlined in the HSE Capital Plan, aim to address crucial healthcare infrastructure needs.

One of the primary topics to be addressed is the expansion of MUH's existing Emergency Department (ED).

Mayo Fine Gael TD Alan Dillon is tabling this debate and will again emphasise the urgent requirement to advance the ED and its Advanced Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU). These developments are essential to ensure that residents of Mayo have access to timely and effective emergency care.

In addition to the ED expansion, Deputy Dillon will raise the construction of a new 75-bed ward block. This new facility is essential to rectify the current inadequacies of the hospital's cramped and outdated multi-bed wards. Furthermore, it will help alleviate the shortage of single-room en-suites at MUH while simultaneously increasing the hospital's bed capacity.

Deputy Dillon, who is chair of the Fine Gael parliamentary Party, said: “The people of Mayo deserve improved healthcare services that meet their needs in a timely and efficient manner. The HSE should not be permitted to delay these significant projects.”

This pressing matter has been selected as one of the Topical Issues by the Ceann Comhairle and is scheduled for discussion starting at 9.20 a.m. in the Dáil.