The old days of steam engines in Mayo

by Auld Stock

THE old steam engines, employed by Mayo County Council in times past had a magic appeal about them.

Children in particular were fascinated by the giant machines as they chugged and clattered their way across the roads and boreens of County Mayo.

Several of the steam engines were parked along the roadway in an area now known as Spencer Park, Castlebar.

They were a great attraction for youngsters and the more daring amongst us climbed up on the machines and examined their workings.

One of the first men to operate the steam engines in Mayo was Jim Dunne who came from the North of Ireland.

Two other men who operated the machines in the past were Paddy Haugh, Moneen, Castlebar, and John Tierney, Ballina. Tommy Haugh, son of Paddy Haugh, and Gus Tierney, son of John Tierney, drove steam engines for Mayo County Council, both chips off the old block. Paddy Haugh was father of Nora O’Brien, Islandeady, Castlebar.

Tommy Haugh told me an interesting story some years ago.

Whilst Tommy and his father were attending the steam rally in Stradbally, Laois, Tommy’s dad showed him the spot where he had etched his name on one of the steam engines seventy years earlier.

It was an emotive moment for father and son.

I cannot finish without mentioning Phil Noonan, Rathbawn Road, who restored one of Mayo County Council’s steam engines to its former glory.