All of the forestry at the bottom right has been felled, making the drive down the hill from the Windy Gap towards Bofeenaun exposed and dangerous. PHOTO: MARC JENNINGS/UP IN THE ÉIRE

Mayo motorists left terrified by impact of tree-felling at beauty spot

Local elected representatives are in unison over the need for immediate safety works to be carried out on the Windy Gap road ‘before somebody is killed’.

Councillor Blackie Gavin highlighted the impact of the recent forestry removal of trees at the location and ‘the sudden drop off the road when you are driving down in the direction of Bofeenaun’.

He said motorists are terrified and this can only be addressed by installing safety barriers along the hill where the forest existed.

He was supported in his stand by councillors Kilcoyne, Deere, McLoughlin and Sheridan.

"I agree that unless a safety barrier is put in place someone will get killed because it’s highly dangerous there," said Fianna Fáil’s Councillor Martin McLoughlin.

"Now that the trees are all gone, it’s an awful disaster and we need a plan," he added.