Mayo Peace Park,. Castlebar

'Collapsing' Mayo Peace Park 'not in council ownership'

Consultants will be appointed by Mayo County Council to establish the reason for subsidence issues at Mayo Peace Park in Castlebar.

Councillor Martin McLoughlin said the findings will decide the course of action that needs to be taken to prevent the facility from falling further into disrepair.

This may involve an application being made for capital funding.

During an interview on Community Radio Castlebar (CRCfm), Councillor McLoughin said Mayo County Council are not the owners of Mayo Peace Park despite reports to the contrary.

He said, however, the authority owned the ground on which the park is built.

In a statement, local candidate Harry Barrett said the sections of the memorial wall will collapse unless remedial works are carried out in the near future.

He stated: "The Peace Park is making a phenomenal contribution to this town and county.

"Subsidence at the site is threatening to collapse the monument and if this is not dealt with quickly, health and safety issues will arise that may see the closure of the park.

"I am calling on Mayo County Council to take immediate action at the site to secure the monument."