Members of Castlebar Order of Malta with the cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council Councillor Michael Loftus and Fr. John Kenny, Adm., Westport.

In praise of Mayo community volunteerism at its finest

It was fitting that Castlebar Order of Malta received a timely boost on the occasion of its 80th anniversary.

They were informed by Minister of State Dara Calleary that the organisation's application to the Department of Rural and Community Affairs for around €475,000 to restore and renovate its headquarters at Pavilion Road, Castlebar, is being strongly supported by the county's Oireachtas members.

Indeed, two of his Dáil Éireann colleagues - Deputy Michael Ring and Deputy Alan Dillon - have already raised the urgent need for the investment during parliamentary debating time.

Minister Heather Humphreys has indicated publicly that the application will be assessed around next March or so.

"I am generally very supportive of the Order of Malta because it does wonderful work on the ground," she told Deputy Dillon.

The situation in regard to the Castlebar Order of Malta HQ is a long-running and complex one.

Issues in regard to subsidence were identified in the building and its site a number of years ago, leaving it with a massive challenge to restore a facility that is central to its future.

The unit has been advised to demolish the existing building and start from scratch, so a long road lies ahead. But now a clear pathway in addressing the issue is in place and they can be assured of the full and enthusiastic backing of the community, which it has served with such dedication and commitment since 1943.

It is true, as Minister Calleary stated during the laying of wreaths at a plaque dedication to the local voluntary ambulance services at Mayo Peace Park last Saturday, that many public events in Castlebar could not go ahead for health and safety reasons without the Order of Malta, Civil Defence, Irish Red Cross or St. John's Ambulance being in attendance.

Reek Sunday is the most obvious case in point.

Their very existence is central to community life and they simply cannot be taken for granted.

In the case of Castlebar Order of Malta and its urgent need for a new HQ, which may incorporate other community uses, it goes without say the people of the town and surrounding areas will be supportive in its acknowledgement of the unit's sterling and unwavering endeavours over the past 80 years.

Onwards and upwards.