Designated facility for young car enthusiasts flagged at Mayo meeting

THE possibility of having a designated facility for young car enthusiasts has been flagged at council level in Mayo.

Councillor Seamus Weir had tabled a motion about an escalation in boy/girl racer activity, with residents subjected to excessive noise at night, dangerous driving and disregard for traffic rules and public safety by these boy and girl racers.

He urged local government to take appropriate measures, including increase garda presence, patrols and penalties at identified hotspots, cameras and traffic calming measures.

Councillor Weir told the monthly meeting of Mayo County Council that since he submitted his motion things have quietened down.

He had spoken with a gardaí who suggested there needed to be a collective approach to the matter.

Parents had also been in touch since his motion was highlighted and they suggested there should be a facility for these kids where they can 'exercise' their cars. He didn't know if that would go down well, but as it was, it was dangerous, at all hours of night, and parents were worried.

Councillor Neil Cruise wondered if some place like a modified spent quarry would work.

An isolated location like out at windmills or a quarry - not near homes - was a possibility suggested by Councillor John O'Hara.