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South Mayo mast decision upheld on appeal

PLANS for a 24m lattice telecommunications structure at Rausakeera South, Kilmaine, have been approved by An Bord Pleanála.

The applicants are Vantage Towers Ltd., and the site in question is half a kilometre from the village centre.

Concerns voiced locally about the project included visual and environmental impact, its close proximity to local amenities such as homes, school and sports facilities, the actual need for the mast, as well as concern about its implications for use of the community pitch as a landing site for emergency helicopters by the National Ambulance Service, as has happened on multiple occasions.

Vantage submitted that it is important that in locations such as Kilmaine that existing infrastructure is upgraded to ensure the provision of high speed and high quality 4G and 5G.

The appeals board agreed with their inspector's finding that planning be granted subject to a number of conditions.

The development would contribute to the roll-out of broadband services, especially 4G and 5G, against the backdrop of the planned phasing out of 3G services. It would not seriously injure the visual amenities of the area.

Conditions include a red aeronautical warning light to be installed on top of the proposed tower.