179% hike in garda call-outs to domestic violence cases in Mayo region

Fresh concerns have been raised over a shocking rise in domestic abuse cases.

According to data released to Aontú, following a parliamentary question, there has been a 250% increase in the number of garda call-outs to instances of domestic violence since 2013.

Speaking in response to the statistics, Aontú representative for Mayo Paul Lawless, said: "In 2013 gardaí were called a total of 13,307 times to instances of domestic violence.

"Last year 45,283 call-outs were recorded. The figures are equally concerning in this region.

"In the Mayo, Roscommon and Longford region the number of call-outs to domestic violence in 2013 was 706, while last year in 2022 the total number was 1969, a 179% increase across the three counties.

"There can be no doubt that there are a number of factors contributing to this shocking increase. We need societal and cultural change around this issue.

“I'm incredibly disappointed that in recent weeks the government voted against legislation Aontú brought forward to prohibit companies from supplying hardcore and violent pornography to young children.

"Such pornography is creating a rape and sexual assault culture in society. Internationally countries recognise this and are introducing laws to prevent it from happening.

"In Ireland there is very little being done that will have any material effect.

"The government’s Covid policies have also had a significant effect on these figures. Yet our government is still resisting a proper Covid inquiry so that we can learn from their mistakes."

Mr. Lawless continued: "The fact that numbers and morale in the garda are collapsing is also having an effect. Every year more gardaí are leaving the force than are entering.

"This is damaging the garda’s ability to respond. There are many counties in the State which don't have a domestic violence shelter, and many others are operating to capacity.

"Waiting lists for counselling for sexual assault are also growing. We urgently need more investment, more shelters and for this crisis to be treated as an emergency".

"I've heard of cases where people are becoming homeless after fleeing their abuser. It is absolutely shocking.

"I commend the victims and survivors who picked up the courage to phone the gardaí, but we can only imagine that for each of these, there are others who suffer in silence, or who feel afraid to report their abuse. This government is seriously failing victims in this area", concluded Lawless.