JP Lambe (at right) of Garrymore GAA is elected as Uachtarán of Mayo GAA He is pictured with outgoing president Mick Higgings and Seamus Tuohy, chairperson of Mayo GAA Board.

A change at Mayo GAA's top table

The new president of Mayo GAA is JP. Lambe, a former treasurer of the board.

The Garrymore man takes over from Mick Higgins who stepped down after doing his two year stint.

Chairman Seamus Tuohy said the work load for the executive was increasing all the time and he paid tribute to his fellow officers for their trojan work during the year.

The officers of the board are: President: JP. Lambe; chairman: Seamus Tuohy; vice-chairman Con Moynihan; secretary: Ronan Kirrane; Assistant secretary: Brian O’Malley; treasurer: Valerie Murphy; assistant treasurer: Michael Diskin; PRO: John Walker; Coaching Officer: Declan Reilly; Scor and Cultural officer: Grainne Kelly-Freyne; Central Council: Paddy McNicholas; Connacht Council: Paul Cunnane and Liam Moffatt.