Deputy Michael Ring pictured at the official opening Burrishoole Community Centre Hall and Pitch with committee members.

TD performs official opening of west Mayo community facility

Deputy Michael Ring has performed the official opening of the Burrishoole Community Centre Hall and Pitch.

He stated: “I was delighted to be asked to officially open Burrishoole Community Centre and pitch.

"This wonderful amenity arose as a direct result of hard work, determination and grit by a tremendous group of people.

“I am pleased that I had a part to play when I allocated funding to this wonderful project during my tenure as Minister for Rural and Community Development.

"Funding in the amount of €700,000 was allocated under LEADER funding and the Town and Village Renewal Scheme for the construction of the community centre. Also, funding was approved under the Sports Capital Programme.

“It has taken ten years to get to this point. It was definitely worth the blood, sweat and tears.

"This wonderful facility would not be possible without the generosity of the local community. They fully rowed in behind the committee and gave it their full support.

“I strongly commend all involved for having the vision and ambition to build this wonderful facility. I am well aware that many hands made light work on this occasion.

"I take this opportunity to commend the chairman, Andrew McGreal, and his excellent committee on their drive and vision to bring this project to fruition.

“Volunteers are the backbone of society. I applaud our volunteers and all that they do for our communities. Without volunteers- rural communities would not develop and thrive.

“I have no doubt that the wonderful facilities at Burrishoole will be well utilised and I wish the Burrishoole community continued success in to the future."