Mayo local election candidate campaigns for families and entrepreneurs

A north Mayo Fine Gael local election hopeful has unveiled a strategic plan designed to stimulate growth and resilience for the town of Ballina and the surrounding areas.

A seasoned Fine Gael representative and former President of the Ballina Chamber Of Commerce, Hugh Rouse’s campaign zeroes in on key priorities he promises to deliver on if elected to the Ballina Municipal District.

As a pivotal figure in Mayo County Council's Business Enterprise and Planning strategic policy committee, Hugh Rouse pledges to cut red tape and streamline the process for entrepreneurs. His strategy involves advocating for policies that eliminate unnecessary bureaucracy, provide unwavering support at every business stage, and ease access to capital for budding entrepreneurs.

Rouse stresses the critical role of education in empowering the youth. He commits to pushing for increased investment in education and support programs, fostering a robust connection between educational institutions and industry. Lifelong learning opportunities will be a focal point to ensure continuous personal and professional development.

Acknowledging the symbiotic relationship between local economic health and the prosperity of young families, Hugh Rouse champions measures to stimulate economic growth and attract investment. This involves advocating for improved conditions that incentivise business development and addressing critical infrastructure challenges such as subpar road conditions.

Recognising the uphill battle for young families in securing affordable housing and managing living costs, Rouse is committed to crafting sustainable solutions. His agenda includes increasing housing supply, enhancing affordability, and exploring innovative approaches to alleviate the housing crisis while preserving vibrant and inclusive communities.

Hugh Rouse will join Fine Gael as a candidate for the local election in Ballina district, his running mates will be Jarlath Munnelly (Killala) and John O'Hara (Bonniconlon) on June 7, 2024.