The gate lodge at Belleek. Photo: Cian Ginty

Conservation works completed on Mayo buildings

A NUMBER of architectural conservation projects have been undertaken in Mayo this year.

They include works at Belleek gate lodge and castle in Ballina, the Church of the Holy Family, Kiltimagh, St. Muredach's Cathedral, Ballina, Robe Villa in Ballinrobe, Holy Trinity Church, Westport, and the Ballyglass Lighthouse keeper's house.

The gate lodge at Belleek, Ballina, is now fully roofed, having been open to the elements, as works continued there this year, a council heritage committee meeting was told.

The gates from the lodge had been found in the river and are now in storage, awaiting funding for restoration. Windows have also been repaired and reinstated.

Belleek gate lodge is owned by Mayo County Council and local Councillor Michael Loftus welcomed its transformation.

Robe Villa in Ballinrobe saw its cast iron railings restored thanks to built heritage funding this year.

Councillor Michael Burke paid tribute to the property's owner on their ongoing project, which has turned a negative looking building into one you will want to look at.

It's full restoration is still a bit down the road, but the building has huge potential, he told the meeting.

The Kiltimagh church and Ballina cathedral projects involved stained glass window restoration, where, for example, stone work had deteriorated and glass detached.

Holy Trinity Church benefited from some repairs to its roof.

The Ballyglass Lighthouse keeper's house saw its roof replaced and windows restored after a film company came looking to use it for a new movie.

Engaging with local craftspeople is a central facet of the projects.