The Mary Robinson Centre, Ballina.

€800,000 owed to Mayo County Council not shown on Victoria House Foundation accounts

A SUM of €800,000 outstanding to Mayo County Council from the Victoria House Foundation in respect of the Mary Robinson Centre in Ballina has been queried.

The matter was raised in the Local Government Auditor's Report, which came before the December meeting of the council for noting.

Accounts for the Foundation to the end of 2022 show they have €3,868 in their bank account but owe €6,150 in creditors, with no assets, Councillor Peter Flynn told the meeting. There is no record of the sum owed to the council.

The auditor's report set out how the council is engaged in a project to transform Victoria House, along the Moy, into the Mary Robinson Centre, at a cost of €5.4m., excluding fit-out costs.

Committed income sources to date include funding from the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for €2m., of which €1.74m. has been received towards the construction phase, and €1.1m. from the Mary Robinson Foundation/Community Group, of which €300,000 has been received by the council to date.

The remaining €250,000 for the department grant is allocated towards the fit-out and the council are currently preparing a proposal for a fit-out on a phased basis.

Councillor Flynn said he had looked at the foundation's accounts and they showed no record of the €800,000 owed to the council. This liability should be included in the accounts.

Going through the accounts since 2015, the Foundation has received just over €1m. in donations and have spent just over €1 million, with €300,000 coming back to the council, €700,000 gone in admin and wages, legal and professional fees, events, etc.

It wasn't for the council to worry about how Victoria House spend their money but it was their worry how the €800,000 is not recognised in the accounts, he stated.

Councillor Flynn proposed the council's audit committee write to the auditors for the Foundation and advise them of this liability, and he also requested a report on the cost for the project and what the building will be used for.

Independent Ballina Councillor Mark Duffy said a voluntary board have led the development with the council, regenerating a historic building, and the next stage is fit-out.

The centre would celebrate women in politics, education, and the changes we need to make to become more climate friendly.

“You continuously try and spotlight a project in a negative light is not helpful,” he told his colleague. They should be supporting it and they will find a way, like with other projects.

Voicing his 100% support, Councillor John O'Hara said bit by bit Emmett Street was being rejuvenated.

Councillor Seamus Weir also signalled 100% support, noting how Westport was 'never neglected'.

“Ballina is going to thrive,” he stated. When one mentioned tourism, Westport is important but we have other parts in Mayo too, he pointed out.

They would get the centre finished and it would be good for the county, not just Ballina.

Councillor Donna Sheridan said she had no issue with applying for funding for the centre. The issue was about where is the €800,000 and are they getting it back.

“It's not about anti-Ballina or anywhere else. It's about transparency,” she stated.

Councillor Damien Ryan agreed the question asked was valid.

Chief executive Kevin Kelly said the issue was flagged in last year's report too and things have not moved on.

There is an amount of money owed to the council for the construction phase of the project and he has been following up with the foundation in respect of that. Despite what the accounts might show they have given assurances in respect of works they have been undertaking in recent months with a view to getting some funding.

The council has some money available for fit-out but not enough to proceed at this stage.

When a number of issues are dealt with, he would come back to the elected members.

“We have a fine building and we would be anxious it is brought into use as soon as possible, but there is some work to be done,” said Mr. Kelly.

Responding, Councillor Flynn commented that Ballina is 'in a great place' and the building is beautiful. He was just asking for full transparency.