Councillor Ger Deere pictured with Darren Forde of Eco Powered Cabinets, Hollymount.

Appeal issued over 'non-functional' defibrillators across Mayo

A Mayo elected representative has called on the Minister for Rural and Community Development to fund the upgrading of defibrillators which are currently in place across the county.

Councillor Ger Deere recently provided funding for an Eco Powered defibrillator cabinet at Lough Lannagh in Castlebar.

The cabinets are designed and installed by Mayo Person of the Year, Darren Forde from Hollymount. Mr. Forde also ensures the devices are in full working order all year around.

Within 48 hours of the defibrillator being installed in Lough Lannagh, an emergency occurred and the cabinet was brought into use.

Following this, Councillor Deere decided to check eight other defibrillators which are located throughout Castlebar.

The closest defibrillator to Lough Lannagh, which had been in place for several years, was non-functional and would have been no use in this latest emergency.

He then discovered that out of the eight other machines, just four were functioning.

Councillor Deere said: “If a survey is carried out on defibrillators located throughout the county of Mayo and further afield, I believe that a huge percentage of them are not operational and therefore no good for what they are intended for, should an emergency arise.

"These life-saving pieces of equipment have been installed by individuals and community groups at enormous expense for the benefit of their communities.

"If they are not serviced, they are useless. It would be heartbreaking to think that should an emergency occur and the nearest defibrillator was not functioning, that someone would lose their life.

‘I now believe that some form of funding needs to be provided for a service agreement to ensure these devices are in proper working order.”

Councillor Deere said that he intends to put down a motion at the next meeting of Mayo County Council, calling on the Department of Rural and Community Development to provide a stream of funding to enable the servicing of these defibrillators.

He will also be calling on the council to purchase a number of these Eco Powered cabinets to support the needs of the public on various walking and hiking trails and public amenities throughout Mayo.