Midlands North West MEP Colm Markey.

Major action plan needed to prevent fentanyl crisis – MEP

Midlands North West MEP Colm Markey is calling on the government to develop a comprehensive action plan to deal with the imminent threat of fentanyl on our streets.

Recent global trends indicate a shift towards the increased use of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, especially in the wake of the Taliban's crackdown on heroin production in Afghanistan

The Midlands-North-West MEP is warning of a crisis far more severe than the heroin epidemic in Dublin in the 1980s and 1990s.

He stated: “Fentanyl, known to be 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and heroin, has emerged as a leading cause of death in the United States.

"Europe is not immune, as criminal gangs aim to introduce the drug into the market. To safeguard our communities, it is imperative to develop a comprehensive action plan before it devastates cities and towns across the country."

Markey emphasised the need for a multi-faceted approach:

1. Prevention: Implement measures to prevent the influx of fentanyl onto the island.

2. Awareness: Launch an awareness strategy to educate the public about the risks associated with fentanyl use

3. Testing facilities: Establish facilities to test the presence of fentanyl in different kinds of drugs

4. Treatment: Explore emergency treatment options for individuals experiencing overdoses such as the use of the overdose-reversal drug naloxone.

“Last summer, the HSE’s Safer Nightlife campaign achieved notable success in enhancing safety measures at Irish music festivals.

"The campaign, which included the innovative trial of on-site drug testing, proved instrumental in promoting a safer festival environment. We need to look at this type of project but on a wider scale in preparation for a fentanyl outbreak.

“We need to be open and empathetic to this issue. By engaging with affected communities, policymakers can better understand the challenges and concerns surrounding the potential arrival of fentanyl in Ireland. A robust action plan will safeguard public health and prevent the devastating consequences of widespread fentanyl consumption,” MEP Markey concluded.