Councillor Johnny O'Malley. Photo: Michael McLaughlin

Planning plea for veterinary practice in west Mayo

AN impassioned plea has been made for a favourable planning outcome on proposals for a new veterinary practice in Westport.

Three sites for the practice, which serves a large cohort of farmers all along the western seaboard, have been rejected.

If the practice were to go it would be 'another nail in the coffin' of farmers, said Councillor Johnny O'Malley.

At a meeting of Mayo County Council, Councillor O'Malley said the practice had looked to move as they were in an area unsuitable for farmers arriving with jeeps and trailers treating large animals. They had looked at three different locations.

A Lodge Road site, they were told, was unsuitable. Despite this, planning was given for a small animal practice.

They then went to the industrial estate but were told they're agriculture, and this was commercial, and so they couldn't be there.

Next up an agricultural site was found outside Westport, in Carrowbawn, but when they applied they were told they were commercial and could not build as this was an agri zoning.

Councillor O'Malley said this was one of the reasons the local area plan had been rejected by councillors. When they looked to zone it, he added, the line had been pulled in around Westport.

Practice vets serve farmers from Louisburgh to Achill and Ballycroy.

The quest for planning has been going on for 15 years and it 'smacks of discrimination', he told management.

“Every time he looks the criteria changes.”

Councillor O'Malley appealed directly to chief executive Kevin Kelly - 'you are the gaffer, you have the power'. He wanted him to intervene, look at this, and give the planning being sought at Carrowbawn.

“If that practice goes that will be another nail in the coffin of farmers in west Mayo,” he warned.

Councillor Patsy O'Brien supported him, saying this affects a lot of farmers in the area.

Councillor Damien Ryan also asked that the chief executive would look at what has been raised. It is important there would be a fair platform and that there would be an opportunity if it can be afforded.