Keel beach in Achill.

Progress on two Mayo water sports facilities

TENDERS have been invited for two state-of-the-art outdoor water-based activity centres in Louisburgh and Achill, Deputy Alan Dillon has confirmed.

The proposed centres for water sports activities will move to the construction phase once a contract is secured.

Deputy Dillon explained: “Fáilte Ireland had previously granted a total of €2.4m to Mayo County Council for the development of the Keel facility centre for water sports activities at Keel Sandybanks on Achill Island and the Carrowmore centre at Carrowmore beach, Louisburgh.

“The Louisburgh facility received planning permission last May, with completion expected by summer 2024.

“A planning application for the site at Keel has been submitted to An Bord Pleanála due to its location in a Special Area of Conservation (SAC). Environmental Impact Assessment Reports were necessary, and a decision is anticipated in the second quarter of 2024. The facility centre is expected to be completed nine months after this decision.”

The Fine Gael spokesperson on tourism and sport added: “Mayo County Council has now called for tender bids for the engineer-led project team with civil, structural and building services and engineering skills for the two proposed centres.”

He also noted the significant rise in people participating in outdoor water-based activities such as open water swimming, surfing, kayaking, and paddle-boarding.

This has led to an increased demand for all-weather changing facilities, secure storage and bathrooms at beaches and inland water spots.

“These developments in Achill and Louisburgh will not only support the local economy by creating additional jobs but also significantly enhance the overall visitor experience in the outdoor activity sector.

“They will provide new business opportunities at these locations and allow for the extension of the tourism season beyond the traditional summer months,” he commented.