The property prior to its closure.

U-turn on planned use of south Mayo property for international protection applicants

PLANS to house international protection applicants in a property in Ballinrobe town appear to be off the table.

Local Councillor Michael Burke has announced on his social media that the property lease is withdrawn for the current proposal as of this morning.

It was proposed that from Monday, up to 50 male international protection applicants would be accommodated at the former J.J. Gannon's Hotel property on Main Street.

Last night a peaceful protest took place outside the building, part of which was livestreamed on the Ballinrobe Says No Facebook page.

In a Facebook post this morning, Councillor Burke set out: “I have been in discussions with the owners of the former J.J. Gannon's Hotel.

“The owners have informed me that the lease is withdrawn for the current proposal as of this morning.

“I am delighted with this announcement and it's a good result for all the people that turned out last night and has been in contact with me over the past 24 hours. Thank you everyone for the support.”