Electricity generating plant approved.

Green light for multi-million euro north Mayo gas peaking power plant

PLANS for a multi-million euro energy project in north Mayo have been given the green light by Mayo County Council. The open cycle gas turbine peaking plant will be based at Croaghaun West and Srahnkilly, Bellacorrick, and the developers are Constant Energy Ltd.

The proposal is for a 114 megawatt gas-fired peaking power plant, which will be capable of running on a mix of natural gas and hydrogen, comprising the 'electricity generating station'.

The site covers 4.35 hectares, at an abandoned farmstead nearly two kilometres from Bellacorrick village.

Documentation submitted to Mayo County Council set out how the proposed electrical connection to the grid will be via a 110kv cable from a substation on the site to the existing Bellacorrick 110kV substation, and on to the national grid.

There will also be an underground gas pipeline delivering natural gas to a gas injection compound on site.

These would be subject to separate planning consents.

The proposed peaking plant will comprise of two open cycle gas turbines, with a total installed capacity of up to 114mw electric. They will be supplied with natural gas from a spur off the gas transmission network.

They can also operate using a blend of hydrogen, which can be supplied from a proposed neighbouring hydrogen plant. Natural gas would be the primary fuel source, the documentation sets out, with the option of using hydrogen from the proposed adjoining plant. In its application, the company set out how construction could start in 2024, with the plant fully operational by 2026.

A number of submissions were received raising concerns. They included impact on local angling waters and wildlife, proximity to local residences and the anxiety created by having hazardous materials on site, increased traffic volumes, property devaluation and negative impact on people's health and wellbeing.