Ballina municipal district candidate Hugh Rouse

Mayo election candidate urges people to check the register

Ballina area local election candidate, Hugh Rouse expressed his dismay at the number of people not registered to vote in their electoral area.

"Now more than ever people should be exercising their votes. We live in a democratic society people need to vote for positive change", the Fine Gael candidate stated.

This year 2024, there are local elections, referenda and the possibility of a general election.

"I would urge people at a local level to check the register as soon as they can. This applies to first time voters, young and old, and people who have moved to the area. I would also ask female voters in particular to check to see if their details are up to date," Rouse urged.

In 2019 there was only a 59% voter turnout, one of the lowest in Mayo which could be down to voters not correctly registered.

"Ballina voters need to make their vote count," stated the north Mayo candidate.

You can check if you are on the register by contacting Mayo County Council or on

Hugh Rouse is also holding a meet and greet in Rouses Bar, this Wednesday, January 10 at 9 p.m. for those interested in politics or wish to gain information on the upcoming local elections.