Council seek expressions of interest in delivering social housing in Mayo

MAYO County Council is seeking expressions of interest from suitable providers to deliver social housing within the county.

Expressions of interest are sought for houses and apartments under an advance purchase turnkey arrangement for social housing.

Priority will be given to high quality projects that deliver earliest, subject to value for money considerations. To this end, proposals including Modern Methods of Construction (including off-site fabrication) will be considered, provided that at a minimum, proposals meet the requirements of all relevant statutory planning and building control requirements.

Proposals must also be located close to services within a town or village and within walking distance of shops, schools and local amenities

Applications will be assessed under the following criteria:

* Delivery programme

* Social housing need/suitability at that location

* Value for money

* Quality of design and construction in accordance with statutory planning and building Control requirements and DHLGH guidance

For further information, email